
As someone who’s tried countless digital tools to manage my time, I can attest to the persistent feeling of chaos in a 24-hour day. Mark Batterson’s Win the Day Journal is a refreshing departure from the digital clutter. It’s a much-needed jumpstart for tackling seemingly impossible goals. With Batterson’s guidance, the journal offers seven key habits to conquer each day. The guided prompts and exercises are invaluable, helping me reframe my past, seize the present, and confidently face the future. While success may vary for each person, the journal’s premise is simple yet profound:

Can you win the day? It’s a challenge worth accepting.

Despite the prevalence of digital calendars, scheduling apps, and time-saving technology, a twenty-four-hour day can still often feel too short and chaotic to establish consistent daily habits or to tackle the goals that matter most. But good habits require practice, and the challenge can often be not knowing where to start.

In Win the Day Journal, Batterson presents a much-needed jumpstart for going after the goals that have always felt impossible. With guided prompts and helpful exercises, he shares his seven key habits to winning each and every day. As you write and reflect your way through the pages, you will learn practical tips for reframing your past, harnessing your present, and facing your future with confidence.

While “the win” may be defined differently for everyone, the secret to success rests in the answer to this simple question: Can you do it for a day?